If you host Open Ads or use Geographic targeting you will realise that from time to time you need to update you geo-location data file. This is an shell script to help
# retrieve and update Geolocation database
#get date...
today=`date +%d-%m-%y`
#today=`date +%d-%m-%y` #date in this format 04-08-09
#today=`date +%Y%m%%d` #date in this format 20090804
#go to folder
cd /home/adserver/
#grab data file
/usr/bin/wget -q --limit-rate=100k wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz
# Check if file exists
if [ -f /home/adserver/GeoIP.dat.gz ]
#backup current file
if [ -f /home/adserver/GeoIPCity.dat ]
/bin/mv /home/adserver/GeoIP.dat /home/adserver/GeoIP-$today.dat
#uncompress new file
/bin/gzip -d /home/adserver/GeoIP.dat.gz
Cron Job
Let us say the file above is called update.sh. Add this to your cron.
0 2 7 * * /bin/sh /home/adserver/update.sh > dev/null 2>&1
1. Ensure the full paths for mv, cd, wget are correct
you can find that by doing a whereis command name e.g whereis mv
2. Change "/home/adserver/" to the your path to where you want to put the file
3. if " if [ -f filename ] ..." does not work try "if[ -e filename ].."
4. The service is free, from maxmind.com so I try not to abuse their servers.
a) limit the download rate to --limit-rate=100k
b) update once month usually about the 5,6,7th ( the say the 1st of the month but the updates are usually late
( paid services are available)
5. you an remove the old file using "/bin/rm -f /home/adserver/GeoIP.dat " but I am one for backups