Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Centos7 changes from Centos 5 & 6

I have not yet started playing around with CENTOS 7. However,  I was scanning an article 
on Digital Ocean and saw this command "systemctl restart httpd" and it peaked my interest.

It seems in CENTOS 7 you there is a little change in the commands to restart services and how services are configured to start automatically or not on reboots.

So if you have a service called mybuzz instead of

  • "service mybuzz restart" it is now "systemctl restart mybuzz"
  • "service mybuzz restart|start|stop|status|reload|condestar|status" it is now "systemctl restart|start|stop|status|reload|condestar|status mybuzz" respectively
For chkconfig the changes are not that simple. The cheatsheet below will be useful
  • "chkconfig mybuzz on" it is now "systemctl enable frobozz"
  • "chkconfig mybuzz off" it is now "systemctl disable frobozz"
  • "chkconfig mybuzz " it is now "systemctl is-enabled frobozz" (check if service is configured to start or not)

Generate PFX file using OPENSSL on Windows

Had a situation where a client needed a PFX with password for a particular setup. This is something I have not done before, so here are the ...