I have modified the original script somewhat.
$link = @ mysql_connect('localhost', 'xxxx', 'xxxxxxxx');For starters you can see all the sleeping MySQL processes by running the command
if (!$link) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfully'."\n";
$result = mysql_query("SHOW processlist");
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if ($myrow['Command'] == "Sleep" && $myrow['Time']>0 && $myrow['User']!="root") {
//if ($myrow['Command'] == "Sleep" && $myrow['Time']>0) {
//mysql_query("KILL {$myrow['Id']}");
echo $myrow['User']." ".$myrow['Command']." ".$myrow['Time']." ".$myrow['State']."\n";
//mysql_query("KILL {$myrow['Id']}");
echo "Killed process id: ". $myrow['Id']."\n";
show processlistYou will need to look out for all the threads with state being 'sleep. MySQL 5.1.7 allows filtering For e.g. you can find sleeping processes running over 5 seconds using the command below.
SELECT user, time, state, info FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE command = 'Sleep' AND time >5 ORDER BY time DESC, id;
What causes
Most sleeping MySQL connections are caused by queries initiated client side that not be properly closed on the clients side. Most times these are cleaned up by wait_timeout variable. Sometimes depending on the query a sleeping connection can lock up a table (MyISAM) or row(InnoDB) and lead to problems especially to the timeouts are high and the number of connections waiting on the locked resource,
- MySql Proccesslist filled with “Sleep” Entries leading to “Too many Connections”?
- Show MySQL process list without sleeping connections