Thursday, March 20, 2008

No to Google Ad Manager?

A few days ago, Google launched an Ad Manager for free. This came a few days after the deal to acquire DoubleClick, the largest display Ad Network on the Web.

Here are my reasons for not liking this move.

1. Google already has Adwords, Adsense(we love), Analytics, Base and Gmail( you now have to have a Gmail account)
2. With all of the above, Google already knows enough about you.
3. With the Ad Manager with its reporting capacity Google will now know your CPM rates and how other ads perform on your site, does Google need to know your CPM rates.

Will this infomation drive down your revenue or up?

There was an interesting post on the Open X blog.

n.b. This Blogging Platform is also owned by Google

Audio Noise Removal

Many times in record clips we end up with unwanted background noise. Recently faced with the situation, I  needed to clean up some audio and...